Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Tips dan cara menjauhi NARKOBA


1. Jangan pernah mencobanya, walaupun untuk iseng atau untuk alasan lain, kecuali perintah dokter/alasan medis.
2. Kuatkan iman, mantapkan pribadi, pakailah rasio (pemikiran, pertimbangan) lebih banyak dari pada emosi.
3. Jangan menghindar dari problem, tetapi hadapi dan atasi persoalan sampai tuntas, bila tak mampu konsultasi pada ahli.
4. Pilihlah pergaulan yang aman jangan yang berbahaya.
5. Pilih kegiatan yang sehat, tak merugikan diri sendiri ataupun orang lain, ikutilah klub olah raga, organisasi sosial. Lakukan hobi bersama teman dan keluarga.
6. Gunakan waktu dan tempat yang aman, jangan keluyuran malam-malam. Bersantailah dengan keluarga, berkaraoke, piknik, makan bersama, masak bersama, beres-beres bersama nonton bersama keluarga.
7. Selalu berusaha menjadi pribadi yang baik, bertindak positif, bertanggungjawab, jadilah figure/sosok yang diteladani.
8. Berusahalah "saling mendengar", saling mengingatkan dan saling memaafkan agar semakin mendewasakan pribadi masing-masing.
9. Buatlah keluarga, rumah tangga, menjadi tempat yang paling menyenangkan, paling menenangkan sehingga membuat "betah" tinggal bersama "sahabat".
10. Selalu ingatkan, bahwa ancaman hukuman untuk penyalah guna Narkoba, apalagi bagi pengedar Narkoba adalah Lembaga Pemasyarakatan.
11. Ingatkan bahwa Narkoba akan merusak kerja otak, susunan syaraf pusat, merusak ginjal, lever dan sebagainya.
Lebih baik mencegah putra-putri kita terkena pengaruh Narkoba daripada kita harus mengobatinya. Karena untuk proses pengobatan dan penyembuhan tidaklah mudah dan membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit.

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Life forces Retarded

     Which created abject from the womb ... forbidden
     Thousands of beings who form the bitch ... wasted

     * In the direction of flow through the veins
     A wave of anger ... injection hallucinations

     Reduce the soul which burns
     Stretching exercise which was lost
     Love hate enjoy
     Jejalilah in setubuhi

     Breathed tone (discordant)
     Remove the nuts (who is constrained)
     Retarded mental forces

     The moment has arrived ... reply
     Injaklah them ... afflict

     Furnace fueled hate / love who has died / contaminated

     The soul ... off

     Spread the pain ... voice calls ... kill existing

     One by one  they are entangled
     One by one have perished in place

     Possessed mad ... otakpun bermajinasi
     Desire tarnished ... show antipathy

     Raba dark soul
     dark waiting


There is no god but god
There is no god but god
There is no god but the one true god
There is no god but the hidden god
There is no god
There is no god
There is no god
There is no god
Allah akhbar!

In the name of the unmerciful the unbenevolent
In the name of the lord of the worlds
Owner of the day of judgement
Show us the path of those who earn anger
And those who go astray

As for the disbelievers
Whether thou warn them or warn them not
Is all one for them
They believe not
And theirs is an awful doom


O mankind
Worship the god whom thou hast created
Who hast created thee
And those who came before thee
O mankind
Thou sons of simian ancestors
Guard yourself against the fire
Prepared for disbelievers
Whose fuel is of men and stones

There is no god but god
There is no god but god
There is no god but the one true god
There is no god but the hidden god
There is no god
There is no god
There is no god
Allah akhbar!

Only Ash Remains

Fear is never gone from your soul
that saw humiliation.
Being prey to the blackest of demons,
paralyzed you fail.

Fallen beneath

the mark of dignity,
you fail.

demon passed on from one
to the next infiltrates
a mind innocent and pure;
planting the seed to possess
another soul that is doomed to fail.

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

sejarah band deadsquad

Stevie Item (Andra & The Backbone) dan Ricky Siahaan (Seringai) berkumpul untuk membuat band baru untuk memuaskan keinginan mereka dengan band old school Metal. Untuk melengkapi formasi, Bons dari Tengkorak dan Andyan dari Siksakubur diajak untuk bergabung.
Band ini tidak layak untuk membuat musik mereka sendiri, karena mereka berpikir itu hanya sebuah band proyek. Ricky mengundurkan diri dari band karena kegiatan pekerjaannya, Pada bulan Juni 2006, Prisa dari Zala muncul untuk menjadi gitaris. Beberapa saat kemudian, Babal (Alexander) direkrut menjadi vokalis. Dengan formasi ini mereka membentuk Deadsquad, 29 Agustus 2008
Pada bulan November 2007, Prisa resmi mengundurkan diri dari Deadsquad. Pada bulan Oktober 2008, Christopher Bollemeyer, gitaris dari band Netral menjadi gitaris. Pada bulan yang sama, Daniel (Abolish Conception) bergabung. Maret 2009, mereka bekerja sama dengan Rottrevore Records (Indonesia), mereka merilis album Horror Vision sebagai album pertama mereka.
9 Maret 2009 mereka berhasil membuka konser Lamb of God di Jakarta
Salah Nurunin Resleting
Tumini seorang wanita dewasa pegawai sebuah kantor swasta asing pagi itu mau berangkat kerja dan lagi menunggu bus kota di mulut gang rumahnya. Seperti biasa pakaian yang dikenakan cukup ketat, roknya semi-mini, sehingga bodinya yang seksi semakin kelihatan lekuk likunya.
Bus kota datang, tumini berusaha naik lewat pintu belakang, tapi kakinya kok tidak sampai di tangga bus. Menyadari keketatan roknya, tangan kiri menjulur ke belakang untuk menurunkan sedikit resleting roknya supaya agak longgar.
Tapi, ough, masih juga belum bisa naik. Ia mengulangi untuk menurunkan lagi resleting roknya. Belum bisa naik juga ke tangga bus. Untuk usaha yang ketiga kalinya, belum sampai dia menurunkan lagi resleting roknya, tiba-tiba ada tangan kuat mendorong pantatnya dari belakang sampai Marini terloncat dan masuk ke dalam bus.
Tumini melihat ke belakang ingin tahu siapa yang mendorongnya, ternyata ada pemuda gondrong yang cengar-cengir melihat Tumini.
“Hei, kurang ajar kau. Berani-beraninya nggak sopan pegang-pegang pantat orang!”
Si pemuda menjawab kalem, “Yang nggak sopan itu situ, Mbak. Masak belum kenal aja berani-beraninya nurunin resleting celana gue.”

Cinta yang Sehat di dalam Hati yang Kuat

SEKUAT apa hatiku mencintai kamu? Aku tak tahu, tapi aku tahu bagaimana cintaku padamu telah menguatkan hatiku, menguatkan aku
Sedekat apa aku mencintai kamu? Aku tak tahu, tapi kini aku tahu tak akan pernah ada lagi jarak antara di mana hatiku dan hatimu.  

Seberani apa aku mencintai kamu? Aku tak tahu, tapi aku tahu bagaimana cintaku padamu menghilangkan rasa takutku kehilangan kamu.

Apa lagi yang bisa kutanyakan, tentang cintaku padamu? Mungkin sebuah pertanyaan yang jawabanya adalah, "Cinta yang sehat terdapat di dalam hati kuat!"
Oleh Ato Suharto

Nilai yang belum kita miliki
Setiap hari kita hanya mencari
Jati diri yang hanya dipertaruhkan dengan sesuap nasi

Nurani tuk berdiri nampaknya masih sulit
Karena alasan hidup yang membelit

Sampai kapan kita kan betah
Padahal gerah sudah merambah sampai ke darah

Bangun kawan!!!!
Selesaikan mimpimu dengan kerja pasti
Bila terus berilusi
Pastinya kita kan mati suri

Seberkas Bisikan Hati

Oleh Ato Suharto

Nilai yang belum kita miliki
Setiap hari kita hanya mencari
Jati diri yang hanya dipertaruhkan dengan sesuap nasi

Nurani tuk berdiri nampaknya masih sulit
Karena alasan hidup yang membelit

Sampai kapan kita kan betah
Padahal gerah sudah merambah sampai ke darah

Bangun kawan!!!!
Selesaikan mimpimu dengan kerja pasti
Bila terus berilusi
Pastinya kita kan mati suri

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Adjective Clause
1.        The man who is talking to Taylor is from Japan.
2.      The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.
3.      The books that are on the shelf are mine.
4.     The boy is called Bob. He gave me a present.
5.      The boy whose radio was stolen is a student.
6.     The girl whom I gave a special reward is a bright student.
7.      The bike which I borrowed last week was sold.
8.      This is the girl whose picture you saw.
9.     She was wearing the coat for which she had paid $2,00.
The man who is sitting over there is my father 



1.        My name is Michael. I am fourteen
2.      My father works hard. He works in a factory.
3.      My sister is older than me. She is twelve
4.     Our dog is very naughty. It likes to chase cats.
5.      Bob, you are a bad boy!
6.     David and I are playing football. We like sports.  
7.      Jim and Jeff are my brothers. They are older than I am.
8.      Uncle Harry called Mary to ask her a question.
9.     The car is very dirty. Mom is cleaning it. 
10.  Miss Garcia is very nice. All the children like her

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012



Ada banyak jenis masalah jaringan yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan pada sebuah komputer, gangguan jaringan local, sampai gangguan pada koneksi jaringan global.

1. Masalah jaringan karena kegagalan kabel jaringan
Yang ini merupakan masalah jaringan yang umum kita temui akibat putusnya kabel jaringan yang bisa mempengaruhi kinerja sebuah komputer dalam jaringan karena putusnya kabel patch anda karena digigit tikus; masalah jaringan yang berdampak pada satu blok gedung karena putusnya kabel antar switch (uplink cable); atau bahkan berdampak pada sebagian besar komputer dalam jaringan lan anda karena kegagalan backbone cable.

2. Masalah jaringan karena kegagalan piranti jaringan
Skala gangguan akibat dari kegagalan piranti jaringan juga bisa bervariasi, dari hanya sebuah komputer karena kegagalan NIC – lan card; beberapa komputer karena kegagalan switch; atau bahkan berskala luas karena kegagalan pada switch central yang menghubungkan jaringan server. Untuk kegagalan lan card di salah satu komputer bisa diganti dengan network card cadangan anda.

3. Masalah jaringan karena kegagalan system
Kegagalan system bisa saja karena ada masalah dengan DHCP server anda sehingga clients tidak menerima IP address. Atau bisa saja karena ada masalah dengan system Directory Services anda sehingga clients tidak bisa logon ke jaringan.Atau bisa saja karena ada masalah dengan register nama pada system DNS anda.

4. Masalah jaringan karena ledakan virus
Jenis ini juga merupakan masalah jaringan yang bukan karena kegagalan infrastruktur jaringan fisik, akan tetapi system jaringan anda akan kebanjiran traffic dari pengaruh virus yang menyerang system server dan menulari ke semua komputer dalam jaringan anda. Kinerja dari system jaringan anda akan menjadi sangat pelan sekali bahkan boleh dibilang ambruk. Apa yang bisa anda lakukan dengan serangan virus ini adalah menerapkan best practice security policy, pertahanan system anda harus kebal sekali.

5. Masalah Koneksi putus-putus
Penyebab : Kualitas Jaringan telepon menurun, suara telepon kemrosok atau ada dengung
Solusi : - Cek perkabelan rumah (dari KTB sampai Modem)
- Jika masih coba lapor ke kantor TELKOM terdekat

6. Masalah Koneksi Lambat
Penyebab : Banyaknya PC yang disharing.
Aktifitas Client-client PC yang Download atau Upload Malware (Virus, Trojan, Spyware) yang menghabiskan Bandwidth anda Kondisi PC yang Memang Lambat
Solusi : Gunakan Bandwidth management Gunakan antivirus atau anti Spyware

7. Masalahnya terdapat pada Network Connection
 dimana nomer IP, Gateway dllnya nge-blank, padahal sudah di setting manual, Status jaringan connected dan masih bisa mengakses data jaringan via IPX/SPX/NetBIOS, tapi nomer IP nya tidak dapat maka akses internet tetap mati.
Solusi :
Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start. DHCP Client Service pada Windows XP tergantung pada tiga komponen berikut: * AFD * NetBios over Tcpip * TCP/IP Protocol Driver Jika salah satu dari driver diatas gagal jalan, maka DHCP Client Service akan gagal jalan / not start.
Langkah I - Pastikan bahwa ketiga file driver diatas ada pada tempatnya Buka Windows Explorer arahkan ke folder %Windir%\System32\Drivers. Pastikan file-file dibawah ini ada di folder tersebut: * afd.sys * tcpip.sys * netbt.sys
Jika satu atau beberapa dari file-file diatas hilang \ tidak ada, extrakkan dari Windows XP CD-ROM atau dari folder ServicePackFiles\i386. ---> Yang saya lakukan adalah mengkopikan dari komputer lain yang Windows XP-nya masih OK.
Langkah II - Direstart Simple TCP/IP dah jalan normal dan sambungan internet.

8. Masalah Koneksi lambat
Solusi: Menambah Kecepatan Koneksi Internet Menambah kecepatan akses internet sangat diinginkan para pengguna internet. Ada banyak cara digunakan untuk menambah kecepatan akses koneksi internet, dari cara simpel menonaktifkan loading gambar pada browser hingga penggunaan software tertentu.

Komentar :
Dalam suatu peroses yang ada pada jaringan computer tidak sepenuhnya akibat kesalahan provider,namun ada unsure human atau manusia sendiri yang tidak teliti dalam melakukan koneksi ke internet,contohnya :
1. Kelalaian pada kabel jaringan yang digigit tikus
2. Banyaknya user atau client yang mendownload data berlebihan
3. Dan gangguan dari piranti computer
Seharusnya kita lebih teliti.

Referensi : http://www.ipanrock.info/2011/07/permasalahan-connecting-jaringan.html

Selasa, 10 April 2012


1. Active : Nick helps Merry
       Passive :  Merry is helped by Nick
2. Active :  I shall give her a new pen.
        Passive :  She will be given a new pen.
3. Active :  He writes the letters carefully.
        Passive : The letters are written carefully
4. Active    : He meets them everyday.
        Passive  : They are met by him everyday
5. Active    : She waters this plant every two days.
      Passive  :  This plant is watered by her every two days
6. Active    :  He met them yesterday
      Passive  :  They were met by him yesterday
7. Active    :  She watered this plant this morning
       Passive  :  This plant was watered by her this morning
8. Active    :  He had met them before I came.
      Passive  :  They had been met by him before I came
9. Active   : She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here
      Passive  :  This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here
10. Active   : He will meet them tomorrow.
     Passive  :  They will be met by him tomorrow.

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012


1) Direct :  John (Phoning From The Station), “I’m Trying To Get A Taxi.”
:  John Says That He Is Trying To Get A Taxi.

2) Direct :   Siska Says,” The Sun Rises Every Morning.”
:  Siska Says That The Sun Rises Every Morning

3) Direct :     He Said, ‘I Have Lost My Umbrella.’
:  He Said (That) He Had Lost His Umbrella

4) Direct :  Eri Says “The Sunset Every Afternoon”
Eri Says That The Sunset Every Afternoon

5) Direct Ineke Says”The Moon Every Night”
Ineke Says That The Moon Every Night

6) Direct : She Says To Her Friend, “ I Have Been Waiting”
    Indirect : She Says To Her Friend That He Has Been Waiting
7) Direct : He Said To Me , “Where Are You Going?”
    Indirect : He Asked Me Where I Was Going”
8) Direct : He Said To Me, “Are You Going Away Today?’
    Indirect : He Asked Me Whether I Going Today
9) Direct : He Said To His Servant, “Go Away At Once!”
    Indirect : He Ordered His Servant To Go Away At Once
10) Direct : He Said “I Love You”
      Indirect  : He Said That He Love You 

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Business Management - Principles and Standards Management Company

Business Management - Principles and Standards Management Company
Business is an activity in selling products or services in order to provide benefits to its owner. Business is a risky activity to a loss in terms of both material and non-material. But if successful it will provide benefit and welfare of the owners. To avoid the risk of business then the business should be run properly with careful planning and execution of a serious and steady. Business consists of several critical components that support and complement each other. If one component fails then it will interfere with other components. Here are the components of the business:
• Management, which is part of the plan, manage, and run a business. These components can be referred to as the backend component that is behind the scenes.
• The power of brand or image, the charisma, emotional power and is owned by the company's views / feelings of the people against the company or product.
Products or Services, the components which are sold or offered to the market.This component can be called as a front end for this component in front. This component is dealing with the public.
• Partner, which is party to assist in running the business.
• Customer, the parties will accept the offer or purchase of products and services offered.
I will discuss the components one by one with the above criteria, principle, and the standards that need to be met for each component to function optimally as expected. Each component can not stand alone because of interference with one component will interfere with other components. I will write my thoughts based on experience, business management books, and case studies on specific companies. On this post I will discuss the management component. And I will continue in subsequent writings.
Management of an enterprise is the lifeblood of a company. Management determines the growth or bankruptcy of a company. The presence of a good management and the management of a company will be able to withstand the pressures, constraints, and obstacles that exist. Will grow even bigger and better.In managing the company then there are principles and standards where these things will greatly help the development of the company when applied properly.Principle and the standard is not an absolute value in a company's success. Not always been a company that has done everything well to be successful.Sometimes there are obstacles or barriers that can not be avoided for example, deceived or affected colleagues as well as other constraints. Here are some of the principles and standards that are expected to support the advancement and development of an enterprise:
Before a firm stand, then usually the initial capital is a constraint that must be met before a company runs. Not always a big capital would provide a major advantage. Effective management and efficient capital will provide the maximum benefit. For us we have to do the calculation of capital and operational costs needed to run the company in the foreseeable future. We must be able to provide a secure budget for the company's operations in some future time. So not only secures a budget for today and tomorrow. With a budget in the long term security of the company will be able to survive when experiencing problems or disasters that are sudden and not previously taken into account.
By doing the planning and design in a mature company, the company will be ready to face many obstacles and hurdles because it has been calculated previously. For example, in making a product then we have to do some research first on the market, consumers, competitors' products, and the constraints that may appear to be well targeted and our products do not fall when exposed to various pressures and constraints that arise. Today the use of information technology in business activity could facilitate and accelerate the company's planning. The system used is called Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system which is doing the planning with the concept of Operations Management with an integrated application. Some management activities can be helped by this system such as inventory management, financial management, reporting, manufacturing management, and other activities.
2. Human Resources is the Qualified, Loyal, and Welfare.
Human resources (HR) quality is the key driver of the company. Given the company's human resources able to move well then a company will be able to develop and conduct its business effectively and efficiently. Qualified human resources is not enough to run the company in the long run. Required employee loyalty to the company where he works. By building an emotional connection between the company and its employees then an employee will make every effort possible to contribute the best for the company. Without the emotional connection between the company and the employee then the employee only to perform its obligations without giving all his ability for the company. When his duty was done then he will just run in place without delivering innovation, creativity, and brilliant ideas that could be done if an employee has an emotional attachment that makes him want to help build and develop the company for the better.
Quality human resources, and not necessarily loyal to contribute the best they have. Humans who have a need will certainly try to meet all their needs. If an employee feels that he has no income to meet their needs then of course he will try to find a way to meet all needs. When this happens the employee looking for a side job that will take time, thought, and strength so that he can not provide the maximum ability of the company. Why sometimes some companies conduct meetings, or preparation of the budget at the hotel office when they have the same facilities with the hotel? Maybe for some people this is a waste, but its positive effect is the participants meeting or meetings will be more concentrated and give their thoughts to the maximum without being distracted by other issues such as traffic on the way to work, problems at home, and the constraints outside the company . With the support of the company that employees are not troubled by things other than the company's employees are expected to contribute the maximum for the development of the company.
3. Manager of the Open, Bold, and the Democrats
Leadership of a manager is pointing the right way for the company. They are a ship captain who will determine whether the company will achieve the goal or not.Authoritative leadership must be owned by a company manager, but with dignity does not mean being closed to employees. It is precisely the attitude of a leader who is willing to openly receive feedback and suggestions from subordinates will assist a manager in leading a company or a subordinate department. Firmness in leading and making decisions is required by a manager, because in their hands the decision will be the road taken by the company will determine the development and operations. Manager must also be accountable for their decisions in front of the directors are not always blame the incompetent subordinate to his command. Should any decision-making involves many parties, be they subordinates or other related parties. With the input of others then the manager may consider and take appropriate decisions and satisfy many parties.
The relationship between managers and subordinates should be good and awake. As much as there may be two-way relationship between managers and subordinates, rather unidirectional relationship in which the manager continued to give orders to subordinates without going to hear complaints and feelings of his subordinates. If there is such harmonious family relationships in a company will create a solid team and strong work in running the company.
4. Comfortable Work Environment and Support
A worker spent nearly half his life in a day at the office. So that the office is second only to the house which became the longest in which the worker resides.To that end a comfortable office environment, conducive, and support the work absolutely necessary. Work environment that does not mean just offices, but also including work atmosphere, and relationships between employees of the company. If one part of the existing work environment that makes an employee uncomfortable then it will impact on the decline in employee performance and contribution to the company.
Office is the place where the comfort of the office work depends on the cleanliness, neatness, quiet, beauty, and the air temperature is appropriate, as well as the layout of furniture and the room is good. Working devices that support is also noteworthy. Do not force savings on office devices that can inhibit labor.Some companies sometimes maintain a rather old computer crashes for reasons still usable but it lags and the parents make time to work and sometimes hinder older workers when the device is damaged. Comfortable office will make employees feel at home and not in a hurry to leave the office so that the worker is more concentrated in their jobs. Family atmosphere in the office need to be fostered so that employees feel part of the company and have a sense of responsibility to the company to maintain the good name of the company. There must be no jealous nature, cynical, or there is conflict between the employee because it would interfere with the work and performance of the company.
It should be noted also how employees depart and return from work. When employees live too far away from the office to think about how bad and too late when constrained to the office. It is better to pick the company provides employees because in addition to helping employees will also familiarize employees because there is story time in transit from or to the office.
5. Always open and Learning
Development of the business world so fast. So many areas that support a business such as information technology field. So many changes that occur outside the company, therefore we should not be closed and must try to accept the changes. With that in studying the changes and development of a company will be able to compete with other companies and are not left behind by the trends and developments continued to run. Companies must learn and apply the various developments and changes that can provide an effective and efficient benefits for the company. Thus the company will always be evolving, and go hand in hand with changes and developments there.